Works in Progress, Test Renders, Misc.
All done with geometry. A little expensive, but for my purposes a better option than bump/normal/displacement mapping.
Fresnel Lens Test Render
Lighthouse Test Render 1.
Lighthouse Test Render 2
#334 Yellow Submarine (8-Bit Effect)
Minifig Work In Progress 1
Minifig Work In Progress 2
Grass Test Render 1
Baby Dragon Concept Sketch.
Tardis Work In Progress
Microphone Mesh Test
Brighton Seafront Shelter. My First Scene.
Meadow. Particle Systems.
#481 Computer Chip, but in monochrome
Year One
A work in progress image. Did the grille as real geometry, that’s probably overkill.
Overview of the runway system built for Daily 3D #591
My second favourite molecule
Everyone’s favourite Bending Unit
Checking the ‘ol procedural Tartan shader is still working.
Architecture Academy Module 2. Homework Image 2. Work In Progress.
CGC Contest #1 (Cancelled) : Planetarium
Documenting my probably ill advised attempts to explore my artistic impulses